Author: imad

10 Easy Ways to Lose Weight

Although the most common way of losing weight is dieting, it isn’t the only one out there. There are many alternative ways to that and most of them aren’t half as hard as putting yourself through an extensive diet that will leave you feeling hungry all day long. What’s bad about those diets is that you gain that weight back again as soon as you get off it. Here are 10 alternative ways that willContinue reading

How to Build the Best Female Six Pack Abs

It is no lie that getting a 6-pack is anything but easy. While many people never get this look no matter how hard they try, let’s rather focus on women who are rocking their six-packs and investigate their fitness and nutrition routines. In fact, crunches and planks barely affect the rectus abdominis muscle, which is covered by fat. This makes your hard work go to waste, yet, it’s totally normal. On the bright side, youContinue reading

This is What You Should and Shouldn’t Do for a Flawless Skin

Every skin is unique with a specific set of issues and goals. However, there are some basic rules all skin types can thrive on.  To make your skin glow and look healthy, you need to understand your type of skin, and more importantly, you should love your skin and try to be patient. Soon enough, you will no longer care for filters, concealers, and makeup products that hide your dull, tired, or damaged skin.  InContinue reading

How to Beautifully Handle Dress Codes at a Restaurant

Dress code is one of the most important factors to take into consideration when making a dinner reservation. Although restaurant dress codes can be tricky, especially if you’re always too excited to dress to perfection, they can be simpler than you may think. So whether you’re looking for a quick bite, attending a business lunch, or going out on a romantic date, we’ll help you feel comfortably gorgeous while perfectly reflecting the restaurant’s dress code.Continue reading

The Men’s Boot Effect: Why Boots Make Men More Attractive

You will be surprised to what degree your boots can make you more attractive. Adding a few pairs of boots to your wardrobe will make your outfit stand out more and allow you to look neater and put together. If you wonder why that friend of yours always prefers boots from sneakers or normal shoes, that’s because he knows some things that you don’t, and we’re here to tell you the secret. So, let’s discoverContinue reading